; Status: Pwn3d.

“Sing praise to our Easter God:
Who changed sadness into joy;
Who took the tears of night
And dried them in the morning light;
Who rolled away the stone of despair
And placed hope forever in the air;
Who visits us beside our seashore
Teaching us always to love and adore.”

That was our Call to Worship in church this morning. It was a extremly great service, the speaker filling in for my dad ( a good family friend of ours) did an awesome job on the sermon. It was about running from God, based on Jeremiah 29:11 Extremly awesome.

Jeremiah 29:11
“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’
declares the LORD , “plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.”

When I got to church this morning…the radio equipment was completely missing, I was frantic.didnt know where it was, scince the owner/manager of the radio station attends our church, we called him to see if he knew where it was. Apparently, they had borrowed it because they had left all there portable equipment in Lexington, for some UK game or something. We got it back, and set up..about halfway through the service.

You know, it was funny…right before the service begins, this lady walks in the door and says,
“I’ve got breakfa-Ooh…oh no..heh…oooh.”.
She was bringing breakfast for Sunday school…and was an hour late…ha, yes she forgot to set her clock. 😀

Tonight, at church…I went to “youth group” a.k.a-AWANA, and no one was there. The only ones who showed up were my brothers and sisters…and then 2 other kids came later. And eventually the leader showed up, really late too. I ended up leaving early to go practice my guitar with the praise group…twas fun, they taught us a few new songs. It was such a GREAT service. So awesome, such intense worship, prayer, and testimonies. They prayed for my dad to be healed at the end, again…which was awesome. He can never get enough prayer.
(If you dont know what I am talking about go here.)

In other news, I bought the domain for $9.20 last night. Gustin helped me set it up, and suprisingly….it was working within half an hour! So now you can access this from Very exciting….well at least for me…*cough*

Also, I will have my poems, songs, paintings, art, sketchs…etc…and junk up here soon. Probally within the next day or too…look for
em soon!


  1. Taylor on April 4, 2005 at 11:02 am

    Hey, Mark, you told me to stop by, and being the nice person that I am, I did… the place looks nice. 🙂

  2. Butterbean on April 4, 2005 at 11:25 am

    Marge you pwn all and nothing at the same time

  3. Skittles45 on April 4, 2005 at 12:12 pm

    hey! i finally came to check it out.
    (eventhough you just told me about an hour ago.)
    i think it’s great!

  4. Eric on April 4, 2005 at 4:54 pm

    This place is pretty cool. I’ll try to stop by every once in a while. You’ve got an awesome domain name by the way.

  5. xAshy.Nicolex on April 4, 2005 at 7:26 pm

    Hey Mark. It’s awesome that you have your own page. Tis wonderful. Yesh, well I’m going now. Bye Bye!

  6. Jon on April 4, 2005 at 10:10 pm

    Out of curiosity, who’s hosting your website?

    WordPress is so easy to set up. It is great. If you ever need any help, let me know!

  7. Mark on April 4, 2005 at 10:26 pm

    Thanks for commenting guys!

    Thanks Jon. Gustin is hosting me for free on 😉

  8. Jess/Cin on April 5, 2005 at 11:51 am

    Ok, so I’m here. You’ve bugged me about it enough I’m here. what is this the 3rd or 4th website thing you’ve done? 😉 Just kidding. I like the place and you need pics of the lovely face, I mean kneecaps :D> Love ya!

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