Oh the glory when He took our place…

…But he took my shoulders and he shook my face
And he takes and he takes and he takes

– Casimir Pulaski Day, Sufjan Stevens

Allright..so this is the first actual post after the revamping of my site. It is EXTREMLY warm out here today, 73°F (This is in the morning) …today could be considered the first day of Spring, scince it already has snowed after the spring equinox.

First off, A few things about the website. I know some of the links don’t work, I just haven’t had the time to fix them. Also, you should check out my art gallery. Its MUCH nicer than before and features about two times as much art as I had before….and all of it is brand new. You can now subscribe to me website using several different methods. RSS, My Yahoo, My MSN, newsgator, Google, Feedster,and Digg are just some of the many ways you can do it (I’de go with Google if I were you, very handy personalized page thing they have going on.)

I thought it was pretty easy to comment, but apparently not…I’ve had several people ask me how to comment. 😉 Well, now you have no excuse…I changed the link to say “Add Comment”. So ha.

Ah…spring break is nearing an end, as today is the actual last day of it (not including the weekend). If you think about it, there is technically only about a month left of school..excluding the time off and the weekends.

Several things I need to do before spring break ends:

  • Clean my room
  • Completely finish the painting of the youth room
  • Finish up work at Country at Heart

By the way, yes I am working on my Eagle Project for scouts..which is designing and building a youth room for our church. I havent had alot of help with it…but the help I have had has been efficient.

The color before..in the room was pale pink…every surface was pale pink. The divider, the ceiling, the floor, the blinds, the walls, the doors…even the eletrical outlets were pink.


During (No “after” yet):
Like it?
Currently I am painting the ceiling white, and hopefully in the next few days I will add vertical wrought iron colored stripes to the walls…very spacious stripes. About 3 on each wall.
Carpet color will be a charcol gray, scince not much else matches with “Suprise Green” and ‘Wrought Iron Black”.


  1. Kaleigh on April 8, 2006 at 2:52 pm

    Green is such an awesome color! 🙂 Looks good so far.

    73 degrees?!? Wow, that’s warm. The warmest it’s been here has been in the low 60’s.


  2. James on April 11, 2006 at 9:22 pm

    Thanks for the compliments on the blog! Great place you’ve got here!

    Good luck with the Eagle Scout Project!

    Lucky for you, your Eagle certificate won’t have Bill Clinton’s signature on it like mine did.

    Eagle Scout class of ’97
    Order of th eArrow Vigil Honor class of ’98 (Wikasta Tuwe Nahon Ka Onspe)

    Keep up the good work!

  3. James on April 11, 2006 at 9:25 pm

    My eagle scout project was hell on earth. I built a cedar post fence around a nature preserve in Boerne, TX. For those of you who don’t know that region of the country, it’s built on solid bedrock about 2 feet underground. Needless to say it took WEEKS to dig about 45 post holes, and on top of that, it was the middle of summer in Central Texas 🙂

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