A day of mourning. A day of rejoicing.
I have two days I am referring to here.
What a sick and evil world we live in.
By now, I’m sure there is no one who hasn’t heard of what as happened.
What a terrible, terrible thing to of happened. I cannot even describe the level of sadness I feel for these people I never even knew.
I also feel a level of sadness for the killer, Cho Seung-Hui. I am sad that he had such a sick and twisted mind and had to end his life this way, by killing somany. I am sad that he never knew the Lord and that his life was ended before he had a second chance.
Everyone deserves that, even him. But NO ONE deserves to have done what he did to them.
And, today. My dad, who has been diagnosed with Stage four cancer of the liver with inoperable tumors went for scan today to determine the status of the cancer.
The tumors cannot be found, and one of the tumors turns out to be a scar and not a tumor at all.
Praise God, eh?
Daniel 6:27
“He delivers and rescues and performs signs and wonders In heaven and on earth, Who has also delivered Daniel from the power of the lions.â€
Read more here: http://www.walzhope.com/?p=47
AMEN…haha…(on the good news)…sad news…aweful
This is… unreal. I cant believe that something like this happened, and so close to home. But, I heard, one of the survivors of the VT shootings also survived the Columbine. What makes me really sick about this is Dr. Phill and Jack Thompson who thinks that video games is the cause of this and 90% (about) all school shootings.